Another case for Self Service Kiosks

by Deepak Sharma on Monday, July 23, 2007

North American consumers are on their way to spend more than $525 billion in 2007 using self-checkout lanes, ticketing kiosks and other self-service machines. According to a study by IHL Consulting Group, demand for self-checkout systems and other kiosks should push the dollar value of transactions to nearly $1.3 trillion by 2011.

"We expect that expenditures made at self-service kiosks will rise by about 20 percent this year and another 18 percent in 2008," Buzek said, "adding that demand for self-checkout systems and other kiosks should push the dollar value of transactions to nearly $1.3 trillion by 2011. Consumers enjoy self-service and increasingly seek out retailers that offer the technology. Retailers and other businesses are finding that self-service kiosks can significantly increase customer loyalty, as well as customer satisfaction."

In the market study, 2007 North American Self-Service Kiosks, IHL examines the increasing use of four types of self-service kiosks where payment is accepted: self-checkout systems, ticketing kiosks, check-in kiosks, food ordering, and postal kiosks.